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Department of Economics

Medienclippings 2016


Dezember 2016

30.12.2016 «The best work on political economy in 2016»

Prof. David Dorn
The Washington Post

29.12.2016 «Donald Trump’s trade policies become more shocking by the day»

Prof. David Dorn
Financial Post

25.12.2016 «The China Shock and the Trump Shock»

Prof. David Dorn
The New York Times
Also in El Financiero

23.12.2016 «Freihandel als Innovationshemmer»

Prof. David Dorn
Tages Anzeiger, Der Bund (PDF, 750 KB)

23.12.2016 «Die Vorteile werden überwiegen»

Prof. David Dorn (Interview)
Die Weltwoche

23.12.2016 «After Decades of Chinese Imports, How to Revive American Manufacturing?»

Prof. David Dorn
The Epoch Times, La Gran Época (ES)

22.12.2016 «Trum’s new tariff proposal could put the economy on a path to ‘global recession’»

Prof. David Dorn
Business Insider UK

22.12.2016 «What Economists Learned in 2016 – Long After Everyone Else»

Prof. David Dorn
The American Prospect

21.12.2016 «People Are Giving Up Instead Of Moving To Opportunity – And That’s Not Good»

Prof. David Dorn

20.12.2016 «The Writing That Shaped Economic Thinking in 2016»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg View

20.12.2016 «Manufacturing Matters Even If It Doesn’t Create Many Jobs»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg View

19.12.2016 «We’re totally misunderstanding the difference between Mexico and China»

Prof. David Dorn
The Washington Post

19.12.2016 «Protektionismus ist keine Lösung»

Prof. David Dorn (Autor)
Finanz und Wirtschaft

14.12.2016 «Trade Dialogues: David Dorn» (video)

Prof. David Dorn
World Trade Organization

12.12.2016 «U.S. Companies Were Hurt by Trade With China Too»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg View

11.12.2016 «Von Zürich nach Harvard und zurück»

Prof. Dina Pomeranz
NZZ am Sonntag (PDF, 151 KB)

09.12.2016 «Did declining social mobility cause Trump’s rise? In a word, no.»

Prof. David Yanagizawa-Drott (Autor)

08.12.2016 «Here’s Why Donald Trump Is Right About China»

Prof. David Dorn

08.12.2016 «Did Trade with China Make U.S. Manufacturing Less Innovative?»

Prof. David Dorn
Harvard Business Review

08.12.2016 «Over 22? Forget blaming others: success or failure is down to you»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt
Financial Times

06.12.2016 «Competition From Chinese Imports Weakened U.S. Innovation, Economists Say»

Prof. David Dorn
The Wall Street Journal

02.12.2016 «El pataleo global»

Prof. David Dorn
El Nuevo Herald

02.12.2016 «Did Donald Trump Win the Election Because of Trade? A New Study Suggests It Helped»

Prof. David Dorn

02.12.2016 «A Job Is More Than a Paycheck»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg View

02.12.2016 «Trump won in counties that lost jobs to China and Mexico»

Prof. David Dorn
The Washington Post

02.12.2016 «5 Science-Based Ways to Break the Cycle of Rage Attacks»

Prof. Philippe Tobler
Psychology Today

01.12.2016 «Vorarlberger Ökonom Ernst Fehr wird Ehrendoktor der Universität Graz»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Vorarlberg Online

01.12.2016 «How China may have cost Clinton the election»

Prof. David Dorn
The Washington Post

November 2016

30.11.2016 «Picking Losers Isn’t a Great Industrial Policy»

Prof. David Dorn

30.11.2016 «What Donald Trump got right – and many economists got wrong – about the cost of trade»

Prof. David Dorn

29.11.2016 «L’Amérique du repli repose sur une vision du XIXe siècle»

Prof. David Dorn
Le Monde

29.11.2016 «Trump’s Challenge to American Democracy»

Prof. Hans-Joachim Voth
The New Yorker

27.11.2016 «The Politics of Job Polarization»

Prof. David Dorn
Project Syndicate
Also in Finanz und Wirtschaft, Jornal de Negócios, Poslovni Dnevnik

26.11.2016 «Deutschland und HR können Innovationen – Vertrauen und neue Kollaborationen sind dafür die Basis!»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Huffington Post Deutschland

23.11.2016 «Trump’s Dismantling of Trade Deals Won’t Bring Most Jobs Back»

Prof. David Dorn
Huffington Post

22.11.2016 «Jump in Chinese Imports Gave Trump Election Boost, Study Finds»

Prof. David Dorn
The Wall Street Journal

21.11.2016 «Column: The truth about trade agreements – and why we need them»

Prof. David Dorn
PBS News Hour

20.11.2016 «Silicon Valley rechaza la política antiinmigración del nuevo gobierno»

Prof. David Dorn
La Vanguardia

17.11.2016 «Inequality, Market Chaos and Angry Voters»

Prof. David Dorn

17.11.2016 «Globalisierung – Freihandel, frei nach Trump»

Prof. David Dorn
Die Weltwoche

16.11.2016 «Column: How to help workers laid low by trade – and why we haven’t»

Prof. David Dorn
PBS News Hour

16.11.12016 «A new study shows that areas in the US hit hardest by trade have become more politically polarized»

Prof. David Dorn
Business Insider

15.11.2016 «Will Trump Discover Why So Many Americans Were Left Behind?»

Prof. David Dorn

15.11.2016 «Why Trump Will Struggle to Bring Back Manual Labor Jobs»

Prof. David Dorn
Los Angeles Times

14.11.2016 «El auge de Trump: ¿una consecuencia de los Tratados de Libre Comercio?»

Prof. David Dorn
El Mostrador

13.11.2016 «Ist die Globalisierung am Ende?»

Prof. David Dorn (Interview)
NZZ am Sonntag (PDF, 953 KB)

13.11.2016 «One of Trump’s major economic policies could lead to a ‘global recession’»

Prof. David Dorn
Business Insider

11.11.2016 «Freihandel, frei nach Trump»

Prof. David Dorn

10.11.2016 «Glück kommt im Alter zurück – aber mit diesen 7 Tricks müssen Sie gar nicht so lange warten»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt

09.11.2016 «Rundschau-Spezial: Das US-Imperium wankt»

Prof. David Dorn (TV Interview)
SRF Rundschau (Start 33:10)

09.11.2016 «¿Per què Donald Trump?»

Prof. David Dorn
El Periodico

09.11.2016 «Unsicherheit über künftige Wirtschaftspolitik der USA»

Prof. David Dorn
Blick, St. Galler Tagblatt, Luzerner Zeitung, Zürichsee Zeitung, La Regione Ticino

08.11.2016 «Wer hat Angst vor dem Freihandel?»

Prof. David Dorn
Die Weltwoche

08.11.2016 «Trade Works: Trump and Sanders campaigned against trade policies that actually support good jobs for middle-class Americans»

Prof. David Dorn
U.S. News

08.11.2016 «Ungleichheit und Helikoptereltern»

Prof. Fabrizio Zilibotti (Autor)
Finanz und Wirtschaft

07.11.2016 «It’s the one thing Trump and Clinton agree on – and it’s probably a fantasy»

Prof. David Dorn
The Washington Post

06.11.2016 «What We Can Learn From Norway About Retirement»

Prof. Josef Zweimüller

04.11.2016 «Will the US election mean the end of free trade?»

Prof. David Dorn
The Guardian

04.11.2016 «Globalisierung»

Prof. David Dorn (TV Interview)
3sat makro

Oktober 2016

28.10.2016 «Narrative falsa de Trump»

Prof. David Dorn
La Jornada

28.10.2016 «La mala imagen de la banca»

Prof. Ernst Fehr, Prof. Michel Maréchal
Ultima Hora

27.10.2016 «One of the most important trade deals in the world lives – but so does anti-globalization sentiment»

Prof. David Dorn
Business Insider

27.10.2016 «Manufactured Trade Myths»

Prof. David Dorn
Us News

26.10.2016 «What the China Trade Warriors Get Wrong»

Prof. David Dorn
The Wall Street Journal

24.10.2016 «Why Big Liars Often Start Out as Small Ones»

Prof. Christian Ruff
The New York Times

24.10.2016 «California actually benefits a lot from trade with China»

Prof. David Dorn
Los Angeles Times

22.10.2016 «Policy Prescriptions Trump and Clinton on global trade»

Prof. David Dorn
Associated Press
Also in The Washington Times, The Examiner, Seattle Times, US News and World Report, Fox Business, Vancouver Sun, Ottawa Citizen

22.10.2016 «Subtract and divide»

Prof. David Dorn
The Economist

20.10.2016 New study: «Brain stimulation reveals crucial role of overcoming self-centeredness in self-control»

Dr. Alexander Soutschek, Prof. Christian Ruff, Prof. Philip Tobler
Science Advances

  • «Self-Control Is Just Empathy With Your Future Self», The Atlantic
  • «Scientists ‘Switch Off’ Self-Control Using Brain Stimulation», Scientific American
  • «Forscher entdecken unbekannten Mechanismus für Selbstkontrolle»
  • «The Curious Link Between Delayed Gratification, Kindness, And Good Health», Good Health
  • «Impulsive much? You’re probably selfish, too», Fox News
  • «Self-Centeredness May Sabotage Self-Control, Study Finds», Psychology Today
  • «L’autocontrollo e l’io del futuro», Le Scienze

17.10.2016 «Kampf um die klügsten Köpfe»

Prof. David Dorn
Neue Zürcher Zeitung

17.10.2016 «Here’s the Trade Policy That Progressives Should Get Behind»

Prof. David Dorn

14.10.2016 «Even if Trump loses big, the anger will remain. Here’s how the left can address it»

Prof. David Dorn
The Washington Post

12.10.2016 «We’ve Reached the End of Global Trade»

Prof. David Dorn
Time Magazine

12.10.2016 New Study: Changing cultural attitudes towards female genital cutting»

Prof. Ernst Fehr, Dr. Sonja Vogt
Nature (Studie), Nature (Review)

09.10.2016 «Out of Prison, Out of Work»

Prof. David Dorn

05.10.2016 «Wir müssen möglichst alle Menschen in den Prozess der Leistungserstellung integrieren»

Prof. Josef Falkinger (Interview)
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik (PDF, 2 MB)

02.10.2016 «Wir wollen mittelfristig in der Weltklasse mitspielen»

Prof. Ernst Fehr (Interview)
NZZ am Sonntag

01.10.2016 «Coming and going: Truth and myth about the effects of openness to trade»

Prof. David Dorn
The Economist

September 2016

29.09.2016 «What The Man Behind Trump’s Economic Policy Thinks About China»

Prof. David Dorn

28.09.2016 «Why the US economy isn’t quite the weakling Trump says it is»

Prof. David Dorn
Associated Press
Also in Seattle Times, San Antonio Express-News, Fox Business, Daily Mail

28.09.2016 «A conservative case against Trump’s apocalyptic view of America»

Prof. David Dorn

28.09.2016 «More Wealth, More Jobs, but Not for Everyone: What Fuels the Backlash on Trade»

Prof. David Dorn
The New York Times

28.09.2016 «’Dramatic slowing’ seen in global trade, as rhetoric rises»

Prof. David Dorn
The Japan Times

28.09.2016 «Waking the Sleeping Dragon»

Prof. David Dorn

28.09.2016 «Vom Mutterleib zum Arbeitsmarkt»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt (Autor)
Neue Zürcher Zeitung

27.09.2016 «Debate showed how divisive trade has become»

Prof. David Dorn
Associated Press
Also in The Guardian

27.09.2016 «Statuswettbewerb und Privatkonkurs»

Prof. Joachim Voth (Autor)
Finanz und Wirtschaft

26.09.2016 «Economics Has a Major Blind Spot»

Prof. David Dorn

26.09.2016 «We talked to the scientist at the center of a brutal firestorm in the field of psychology»

Dr. Eva Ranehill
Business Insider UK

22.08.2016 «Bildung mit Lücken»

Prof. Mathias Hoffmann
Handelszeitung (PDF, 319 KB)

21.09.2016 «Famous psychology findings – power posing makes you bolder! – are failing the replication test»

Dr. Eva Ranehill

19.09.2016 «Trade with China killed off moderates in Congress, study finds»

Prof. David Dorn
Washington Examiner

19.09.2016 «Free Trade’s Unwilling Victims»

Prof. David Dorn

17.09.2016 «Almost half of America could become the new permanent underclass»

Prof. David Dorn
The New York Post

16.09.2016 «Why Trump’s Tough Talk on China Won’t Change a Thing»

Prof. David Dorn

15.09.2016 «Getting People Where the Jobs Are»

Prof. David Dorn

13.09.2016 «Die Automatisierung der Arbeit»

Prof. David Dorn (Autor)
Finanz und Wirtschaft

10.09.2016 «How to get to your 30s without having regrets»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt

09.09.2016 «中国新起点 发展新机遇(G20再出发·构建创新、活力、联动、包容的世界经济)»

Prof. Fabrizio Zilibotti
人民网 (People’s Daily)

06.09.2016 «How Much Do We Really Know About Global Trade’s Impacts?»

Prof. David Dorn
The New York Times Magazine

03.09.2016 «Mehr Einfluss für die Ökonomen»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

02.09.2016 Ökonomen-Rankings 2016

Prof. Ernst Fehr, Prof. David Dorn

August 2016

30.08.2016 «Why Aren’t U.S. Police Departments Recruiting More Women?»

Prof. Carmit Segal
The Atlantic

25.08.2016 «Why it matters: Trade»

Prof. David Dorn
Associated Press
Also in US News & World Report, The San Diego Union-Tribune, Portland Press Herald, The Daily Mail

23.08.2016 «The Trade-Offs of Free Trade»

Prof. David Dorn
MIT Technology Review

21.08.2016 «Focus: NAFTA in U.S. campaign spotlight»

Prof. David Dorn
The San Diego Union-Tribune
Also in Spanish

18.08.2016 «Why Critics Of Free Trade Are Talking China, Not NAFTA»

Prof. David Dorn

16.08.2016 «U.S. spends millions to train women police officers worldwide»

Prof. Carmit Segal
USA Today

15.08.2016 «Trump Supporters Are Not the Losers from Globalization»

Prof. David Dorn
Cato Insitute
Also in Newsweek

12.08.2016 «Productivity, Inequality and the ‘Profound Impact’ of the Personal Computer»

Prof. David Dorn
U.S. News

11.08.2016 «Why China Trade Hit U.S. Workers Unexpectedly Hard»

Prof. David Dorn
The Wall Street Journal

05.08.2016 «Away from spotlight, U.S. manufacturers battle back from ‘China shock’»

Prof. David Dorn

01.08.2016 «In Pennsylvania, Nafta’s a Campaign Issue. But It’s Not What Did the Damage.»

Prof. David Dorn
The Wall Street Journal

01.08.2016 «Rajoy, la investidura y el dilemma del ‘Ultimatum game’»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
El País

Juli 2016

22.07.2016 «Italien droht ein Chaos»

Prof. Fabrizio Zilibotti (Autor)
Finanz und Wirtschaft

20.05.2016 «Why Comparing Yourself to Others is Normal»

Prof. Christian Ruff
Live Science
Also in Huffington Post, Fox News, Yahoo News

14.07.2016 «Der Lohnkuchen wird ungerecht verteilt»

Prof. David Dorn (Interview)
Luzerner Zeitung

11.07.2016 «On Trump and Trade»

Prof. David Dorn
National Review

07.07.2016 «Election 2016 Is Propelled by the American Economy’s Failed Promises»

Prof. David Dorn
The Wall Street Journal

02.07.2016 «Is Free Trade Dead?»

Prof. David Dorn
Investor’s Business Daily

01.07.2016 «Wo die Leistung zählt»

Prof. Ernst Fehr

Juni 2016

30.06.2016 «The consensus crumbles»

Prof. David Dorn
The Economist

29.06.2016 «Trump rips up Republican trade orthodoxy, saying he will cancel TPP treaty and brand China a currency manipulator»

Prof. David Dorn
South China Morning Post

28.06.2016 «The harsh downside of free trade – and the glimmer of hope»

Prof. David Dorn
The Christian Science Monitor

28.06.2016 «Trump Speech Recants 30 Years of Republican Trade Thinking»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg Politics

22.06.2016 «Direktabzug vom Lohn: So sollen die Steuerschulden sinken»

Prof. Ernst Fehr

21.06.2016 «Neuer Rückenwind dank Gutachten»

Prof. Ernst Fehr

22.06.2016 «Fewer American Children are Dying as Health Gap between Rich and Poor Kids Narrows»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt

27.06.2016 «The Left and Right Stumble on Globalization»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg View

17.06.2017 «Good News Hidden in the Data: Today’s Children Are Healthier»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt
The New York Times

15.06.2016 «Donald Trump’s Voters and the Decline of American Manufacturing»

Prof. David Dorn

15.06.2016 «Ewiger Nobelpreiskandidat: Der österreichische Ökonom Ernst Fehr wird 60»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Der Standard

15.06.2016 «Der ‘Totengräber des homo oeconomicus’ wird 60»

Prof. Ernst Fehr

14.06.2016 «How Neoclassical Economics Corrupted Business Schools, Corporations, and the Economy»

Prof. Ernst Fehr

03.06.2016 «Wo die Gefahren von grossen ETF-Anbietern liegen»

Prof. Joachim Voth
Finanz und Wirtschaft

Mai 2016

22.05.2016 «Zwei Millionen US-Arbeitsplätze sind abgebaut worden» (Interview)

Prof. David Dorn
NZZ am Sonntag

20.05.2016 «Free Lunch: Trading down»

Prof. David Dorn
Financial Times

20.05.2016 «Money doesn’t buy as long a life as it used to»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt
Chicago Tribune

17.05.2016 «Le commerce mondial, ce nouvel épovantail»

Prof. David Dorn
Agence France Press
Also in La Liberté, L'Entreprise, Le Devoir.

14.05.2016 «One of the central topics of Donald Trump's campaign is a terrible idea»

Prof. David Dorn
Business Insider UK
Also in Business Insider Malaysia

14.05.2016 «Der Totengräber des Homo oeconomicus»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Der Bund, Tages Anzeiger

14.05.2016 «Looking up: the link between income and mortality rates is weakening»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt
The Economist

12.05.2016 «Tight VP race: Academics engage online over ‘trends’ in quick count»

Miguel Garcia
The Philippine Star

12.05.2015 «Getting Straight about the costs of trade»

Prof. David Dorn
Washington Post

11.05.2016 «Should the Middle Class Fear the World's Poor?»

Prof. David Dorn
Boston Review

11.05.2016 «Few U.S. Workers Receive Federal Assistance for Trade Deal Consequences»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg Politics

11.05.2016 «Glück allein macht auch nicht glücklich»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

10.05.2016 «The Mystery of Why Black Americans Are Living Longer»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt
The Atlantic

09.05.2016 «Fairer als gedacht»

Björn Bartling
UZH Magazin (PDF, 11 MB)

09.05.2016 «Die Arbeit Geht Uns Nicht Aus» (Interview)

Prof. David Dorn
UZH Magazin

08.05.2016 «Did China Trade cost the United States 2.4 Million Jobs?»

Prof. David Dorn
Foreign Policy

06.05.2016 «Ryan ‘confident’ America supports free trade»

Prof. David Dorn

05.05.2016 «The tremendously good news about the young that we’ve been ignoring»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt
The Washington Post

01.05.2016 «No Gain Without Pain: We Need Better Economic Shock Absorbers To Prevent Bumpy Recoveries”

Prof. David Dorn
GE Reports

01.05.2016 «Chinese Idle Speculation Conceals A Global Industrial Threat»

Prof. David Dorn
Seeking Alpha

April 2016

30.04.2016 «Ein Orchester mit exzentrischen Einzelspielern»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Neue Zürcher Zeitung

28.04.2016 «Schulden senken ist schwierig. Wie hoch darf Staatsverschuldung sein?»

Dr. Christoph Winter
Frankfurter Allgemeine

28.04.2016 “Il cavallo di Troia dello stato sociale”

Prof. Fabrizio Zilibotti
RSI Rete Due (Audio)

26.04.2016 «Trade with China is big reason why US politics are insane»

Prof. David Dorn

26.04.2016 «3 Questions: David Autor on Global Trade and Political Polarization»

Prof. David Dorn
MIT News

26.04.2016 «In Districts Battered By US Trade with China, Americans Are Increasingly Divided Politically»

Prof. David Dorn
International Business Times

26.04.2016 “Ungleichheit und Wachstum”

Prof. Fabrizio Zilibotti
Finanz und Wirtschaft

25.04.2016 «Where Jobs are Squeezed by Chinese Trade, Voters Seek Extremes»

Prof. David Dorn
New York Times

21.04.2016 New Study: «Inequality in mortality decreased among the young while increasing for older adults, 1990-2010»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt

21.04.2016 «Gap in death rates between rich and poor young Americans narrows»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt

21.04.2016 «The Poor Still Die Young, but Their Kids Have Hope»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt

20.04.2016 «Charpentier und Winiwarter unter den 26 neuen ÖAW-Mitgliedern»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Der Standard

19.04.2016 «Trump and Sanders Have a Point About Trade With China»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg Businessweek

19.04.2016 «Voters Stung by Chinese Import Competition Turned to Democrats, Economists Say»

Prof. David Dorn
Wall Street Journal

18.04.2016 «Das VW-System ist ein Musterbeispiel für Intransparenz»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Handelsblatt (Download (PDF, 227 KB))

18.04.2016 «Trans-Pacific Partnership under fire from both right and left in America»

Prof. David Dorn
Asia Times

15.04.2016 «On free trade Donald Trump is peddling lies»

Prof. David Dorn
Australian Financial Review

12.04.2016 «Why the Case for Trade – and Against Protectionism – Remains Strong»

Prof. David Dorn

08.04.2016 «Candidates Call Time on Free Trade»

Prof. David Dorn
New Zealand Herald

07.04.2017 «What Happened to the American Dream?»

Prof. David Dorn
Pacific Standard

07.04.2016 «Fairness geht über ein fürstliches Gehalt»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Neue Zürcher Zeitung

06.04.2016 «How network effects hurt economies»

Prof. David Dorn
MIT News

05.04.2016 «If you're Poor in another country, this is the scariest thing Bernie Sanders has said»

Prof. David Dorn

05.04.2016 «No Wonder U.S. Manufacturing Flees Abroad»

Prof. David Dorn
Wall Street Journal

04.04.2016 «The Truth about Trade»

Prof. David Dorn
National Review

04.04.2016 «Trade realities take a beating in U.S. politics»

Prof. David Dorn

Japan Times

03.04.2016 «Clark County manufacturing rides global ebbs, flows»

Prof. David Dorn
The Columbian

02.04.2016 «Jobs and Trade on the Campaign Trail»

Prof. David Dorn

The New York Times

02.04.2016 «Zürcher Starökonom tüftelt am Unterricht der Zukunft»

Prof. Ernst Fehr

Tages Anzeiger

02.04.2016 «Haben sich die Schüler schlaugeklickt?»

Prof. Ernst Fehr

Der Landbote

01.04.2016 «Quit Your Job: A midlife career shift can be good for cognition, well-being, and even longevity»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt

The Atlantic

01.04.2016 «Winterthurer Schüler profitieren von ‘Kids-Win’»

Prof. Ernst Fehr


01.04.2016 «Winterthur testet den Schulunterricht der Zukunft»
Prof. Ernst Fehr


März 2016

31.03.2016 «An Inconvenient Truth About Free Trade»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg Businessweek

29.03.2016 «Die Hitliste der Wirtschaftserklärer»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Deutschlandradio Kultur

29.03.2016 «These are Europe’s 16 most elite economics degrees»

Department of Economics
Business Insider UK

28.03.2016 «Why a midlife career change might help you live longer»

Prof. Hannes Schwandt
Dallas News

28.03.2016 «US voters lured by limiting free trade»

Prof. David Dorn
Buenos Aires Herald

28.03.2016 «Crucifying Trade For The Sins Of Domestic Policy»

Prof. David Dorn

26.03.2016 «How China wrecked free trade»

Prof. David Dorn

26.03.2016 «Der grosse Anreiz zum Betrügen»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Tages Anzeiger, Der Bund

24.03.2016 «Guerra de números en el libre comercio»

Prof. David Dorn
El Economista

24.03.2016 «Trump, Trade and the China Shock»

Prof. David Dorn
Financial Times

24.03.2016 «Workers Knew First»

Prof. David Dorn

23.03.2016 «Verhaltensökonomie: Auf der Suche nach dem Warum»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Die Presse

21.03.2016 «Campaign Demagoguery on Parade»

Prof. David Dorn
The Huffington Post

21.03.2016 «The biggest threat to American workers is slowly starting to go away»

Prof. David Dorn
The Washington Post
Also in El Economista, Houston Chronicle

21.03.2016 «What Republicans did 15 years ago to help create Donald Trump today»

Prof. David Dorn
The Washington Post

20.03.2016 «Trade myths and realities»

Prof. David Dorn
The Washington Post
Also in The Japan Times, Jewish World Review, La Estrella de Panamá, Jornal do Brasil (selection)

20.03.2016 «Wie wenn Ronaldo zum FC Zürich wechseln würde»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
SonntagsZeitung (PDF, 3 MB)

18.03.2016 «The Mistaken Bipartisan Attack on Free Trade»

Prof. David Dorn
Real Clear Politics
Also in The Daily Star, The Daily Herald

16.03.2016 «When Factories Shut Down, Why Don’t Workers Move?»

Prof. David Dorn
Mother Jones

15.03.2016 «La révélation de saint Jean-Baptiste»

Prof. David Dorn
Le Monde Diplomatique

15.03.2016 «On Trade, Angry Voters Have a Point»

Prof. David Dorn
The New York Times

14.03.2016 «The China Shock and the Japan Shock»

Prof. David Dorn
Economic Principals

14.03.2016 «Free Trade Doesn’t Have to Devastate Workers»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg View

13.03.2016 «Would Trump’s trade threats work? Many experts are skeptical»

Prof. David Dorn
Associated Press
Also in: Denver Post, San Diego Union-Tribune, Seattle Times, PBS News Hour, Fox News, Daily Mail, Japan Times

13.03.2016 «Are you charitable? Brain connectivity reveals hidden motives»

Prof. Ernst Fehr, Dr. Grit Hein
Daily Express

12.03.2016 «Economic gloom works for Trump»

Prof. David Dorn
Washington Examiner

12.03.2016 «Scientists can tell when your motives are truly altruistic, and when you’re secretly being selfish»

Prof. Ernst Fehr, Dr. Grit Hein
Also in World Economic Forum

11.03.2016 «Solving free-trade conundrum defies stump-speech logic»

Prof. David Dorn
The Plain Dealer

10.03.2016 «Donald Trump should shut up about China and start railing against robots»

Prof. David Dorn
The Week

10.03.2016 «Fairness ist wichtig»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Handelszeitung (PDF, 3 MB)

09.03.2016 «Do Trade Agreements Kill Jobs?»

Prof. David Dorn

09.03.2016 «Trading places: Economists take a new look at the evidence that the U.S. has lost millions of jobs to China»

Prof. David Dorn
MIT News

09.03.2016 «Free Trade Loses Political Favor»

Prof. David Dorn
The Wall Street Journal

09.03.16 «Ernst Fehr lobt Kulturwandel bei Credit Suisse» (Interview)

Prof. Ernst Fehr

08.03.2016 «50 Prozent der Anleger handeln unvernünftig»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Fonds Professionell (Video-Interview)
Also in Institutional Money

07.03.2016 «¿En qué se parece Donald Trump al movimiento zapatista de México?»

Prof. David Dorn

06.03.2016 «Remembering Ross Perot»

Prof. David Dorn
Economic Principals

04.03.2016 «Brain connectivity reveals hidden motives»

Prof. Ernst Fehr, Dr. Grit Hein
Science (Download Article as PDF)
A selection of related articles: Der Bund/Tages Anzeiger (PDF, 48 KB), The Daily Mail, Ecodiario, EurekAlert, Global News Connect, JuraForum, Medicalxpress, Moneycab, Le Nouvelliste, La Opinión, La Provincia, Público, Qatar News Agency, Salon, Scientific American, Schweiz Magazin, La Vanguardia

03.03.2016 «Why the elites are wrong about immigration, free trade and innovation»

Prof. David Dorn
Market Watch

01.03.2016 «Why Trump Now?»

Prof. David Dorn
The New York Times

Februar 2016

29.02.2016 «Why the next President Should Raise the Minimum Wage»

Prof. Ernst Fehr

29.02.2016 «Donald Trump has a funny definition of winning»

Prof. David Dorn
The Washington Post

26.02.2016 «Bilden Börsen die ganze Wahrheit ab?»

Prof. Ernst Fehr

24.02.2016 «Sustainability: Game human nature»

Prof. Ernst Fehr

24.02.2016 «Amerika wird zum Opfer der Globalisierung»

Prof. David Dorn
Die Presse

22.02.2016 «Economic Populism at the Primaries»

Prof. David Dorn
The New Yorker

17.02.2016 «Ernst Fehr: Für Aktionäre ist das wie eine Befreiung vom Nebel der Transparenz»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Institutional Money

15.02.2016 «Le difficile décryptage des modèles»

Prof. David Dorn

14.02.2016 «New type of nationalism a worldwide problem»

Prof. David Dorn
Winnipeg Free Press

10.02.2016 «Boni und andere explizite Anreize haben Fallstricke»

Prof. Ernst Fehr
Handelsblatt (Download (PDF, 1 MB))
also in,,, Wallstreet-Online,

10.02.2016 «The Trade Numbers Game»

Prof. David Dorn
Project Syndicate
also in The Jordan Times, Kathmandu Post, La Tribune, El Economista

06.02.2016 «Trade in the balance»

Prof. David Dorn
The Economist

01.02.2016 «Is the TPP Good for America?»

Prof. David Dorn
Project Syndicate
also in Gulf Times, Finanz und Wirtschaft

Januar 2016

29.01.2016 «What Economists Got Wrong About Free Trade»

Prof. David Dorn
The Atlantic

28.01.2016 «So What Would It Mean to ‘Beat China’ on Trade?»

Prof. David Dorn
The New York Times

27.01.2016 «Don’t Blame Americans for Blaming China»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg News

26.01.2016 «Could this Map Make Donald Trump President?»

Prof. David Dorn

26.01.2016 «Free Trade with China Wasn't Such a Great Idea for the U.S.»

Prof. David Dorn
Bloomberg View
also in Chicago Tribune (print only)

23.01.2016 «What Have I Been Wrong About?»

Prof. David Dorn

19.01.2016 «The Power of the ‘Power Pose’»

Dr. Eva Ranehill

14.01.2016 «A big-shot venture capitalist says we need inequality. What do economists say?»

Prof. David Hémous
Washington Post

13.01.2016 «This May Be the Most Important Chart for Understanding Politics Today»

Prof. David Dorn
Washington Post

12.01.2016 «Can Economics Change Your Mind? »

Prof. David Dorn
Moody's Analytics

11.01.2016 «Should cable television channels be offered à la carte?»

Prof. Gregory Crawford
Microeconomic Insights

08.01.2016 «Donald Trump, Made in China»

Prof. David Dorn
also in Slate France