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Software Entwickler:in 60 - 100 %
Masterstudierende: Tutoren und Tutorinnen gesucht für das HS25 (alle OEC/INF-Fachrichtungen) 20 - 30 %
Tutoren und Tutorinnen gesucht für das HS25 Mikroökonomik I 10 - 20 %
Mentoren und Mentorinnen für Erstsemestrige HS25 gesucht 10 - 20 %
Pre-doctoral Fellow in Economics and Applied Machine Learning with a Focus on Developing Countries 70 %
Predoctoral Fellow in Economic History, Political Economy, and Cultural Economics 70 %
Predoctoral Fellow in Behavioral & Experimental Economics and Economic Applications of Artificial Intelligence Methods 70 %
Open faculty positions
Further Positions at UZH
Those interested in pursuing a PhD in economics may apply for admission to the
Those interested in pursuing a PhD in neuroeconomics may apply for admission to the