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English Department

Guest Lectures Prof. Dr. Randall Stevenson

We would like to draw your attention to two guest lectures by Prof. Dr. Randall Stevenson (University of Edinburgh):

- "Reading the Times: Modernism and Narrative Temporality"
   Room KOL-H-321 - Wednesday, May 22, 2013, 10.15 a.m.

- Postmodernism: Authority and After"
Room KOL-F-117 - Thursday, May 23, 2013, 1 p.m.

Prof. Stevenson's books include Modernist Fiction: An Introduction (2nd ed. Pearson, 1997), 1960-2000: The Last of England? (Vol. 12 of The Oxford English Literary History, OUP 2006) and, most recently, Literature and the Great War, 1914-1918 (OUP, 2013). He is the co-editor of The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century Literatures in English (Edinburgh UP, 2007) and the general editor of the new ten-volume series The Edinburgh History of Twentieth-Century Literature in Britain.

We cordially invite students as well as members of staff and the general public to attend Prof. Stevenson's talks.
