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English Department

Bologna 2020 Information Event

At long last, we have a date and time for the English Department’s two Bologna 2020 Information Events:

on Friday, December 14, 2018

main building Room KOH-B-10, Rämistrasse 71, 8001 Zürich

•        Bachelor: 4.15 p.m.

•        Master: 5.15 p.m.

Each of these two events will focus on the following topics

1.        General information: transition, new modules, etc.

2.        Presentation of the new website section on Bologna 2020

3.        Presentation of PDF checklists (i.e. planning tool for students)

4.        What’s next?

5.        Q & A 

Students who attend these events can also enter a competition for 2 x 2 free tickets to the event "Stimmen aus Irland: Gesungene und gesprochene Konversationen über eine Insel" (Lavatersaal, St. Peterhofstadt 6, 8001 Zurich – Friday, January 18, 2019, 7 p.m.; see attached PDF for more information).

The tickets (value: CHF 42.- each; sponsored by the Embassy of Ireland, Switzerland) will be sent to the winners by traditional mail.


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Bologna 2020 Information Event

Bologna 2020 Information Event