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English Department The Swiss Centre of Irish Studies @ the Zurich James Joyce Foundation

Bloomsday in Basel 2019

This year's Bloomsday in Basel will feature:
  • Scenes from "Telemachus," "Nestor," "Wandering Rocks," and "Sirens" for the dramatic performances
  • The edible masterpieces of 27 "Culinary odysseans," who will create dishes based on quotations from Ulysses under the theme "Milking it" 
  • Music from Scéalta, Nimmermeer, Joyce Division, and stephanie zundel
  • And of course there will be a couple of BBQ's for general use (bring your own grillables and drinkables)
Admission is free, but contributions to the donation box are very welcome.
Check out the website, facebook page, and rsvp to the facebook event!  


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Bloomsday in Basel

Bloomsday in Basel