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English Department The Swiss Centre of Irish Studies @ the Zurich James Joyce Foundation

Book Launch at the Embassy of Ireland, Switzerland

In collaboration with Bergli Books, the Embassy of Ireland invites you to a two-part virtual event launching Voting Day, starting at 6.15pm, Monday, 1 February 2021:

  • Part 1 (18.15 – 19.00): Ambassador Hickey and the author, Clare O'Dea, discuss Voting Day, which explores the lives of four women on 1 February 1959, the day that Swiss women were denied the vote in a federal referendum.
  • Part 2 (19.00 – 19.45): Clare and her translators discuss the art of translating Voting Day and why it was important to publish also in German, French and Italian.

St Brigid’s Day celebrates the creativity of Irish women; you are warmly welcome to join us in this inaugural event.  

Zoom link:


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Book Launch Voting Day

Book Launch at the Embassy of Ireland, Switzerland