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Department of Economics

ECON Alumni UZH – The Network for Economists

The ECON Alumni UZH was established in February 2020 with the objective of forming a worldwide network for an engaged and passionate community that supports both its own members and the Department of Economics at the University of Zurich. 

As of November 2023, we count over 700 members who support us in our mission to become The Network for Economists.
The ECON Alumni UZH Association is chaired by Prof. Dr. Florian Scheuer, Chairman of the UZH Department of Economics.

What we offer

Our alumni get to be part of an inspiring circle and are closer to the vibrant research community at the Department of Economics. 
We organize events of all kinds, covering topics from economics, politics, or culture.
The association’s ambassadors serve as contact persons for questions pertaining to a degree in Economics and career opportunities beyond. 
And those who would like to support their alma mater get the opportunity for giving back.

Who can join

We are welcoming all Alumni of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Informatics at the University of Zurich majoring in economics, students majoring in Economics, present and former employees of the Department of Economics, and all persons and institutions that consider research at the Department of Economics to be particularly important and worthy of support.

The membership is free.