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Department of Economics

Developing Effective Public Policies

Public Policies

Today, politics has to reconcile the concerns of various interest groups with the global economic reality, while populist, extremist and nationalist movements are fundamentally questioning the political system. It remains to be seen whether this is only a temporary crisis of liberal democracy, or a turning point for the postwar international order. Against this background, governments have to continue to develop effective public policies. Key public policy challenges beyond the four issue areas listed here include an aging population, rising sovereign debt, unconventional monetary policy, and increasingly complex financial markets.

Examples of Research Questions

  • How do we finance pension systems in an ageing society?
  • What framework conditions are necessary for economic development?
  • How should we deal with increasing public debt and the complexity of financial markets?
  • Which redistribution mechanisms are most effective?
  • How do options and restrictions of the freedom of choice affect the acceptance of paternalistic interventions?
  • What is driving the tremendous increase in vote-shares for right wing populist parties we are seeing?

Find out more about the research areas and researchers mainly contributing to this challenge