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Department of Economics


6 June 2023
A successful semester in many ways is coming to a close.

David Hémous receives the Best Paper Award of the American Economic Journal (AEJ) Macroeconomics, for his paper: "The Rise of the Machines: Automation, Horizontal Innovation, and Income Inequality", together with Morten Olsen of the University of Copenhagen.

Alessandro Ferrari received an SNF Project Grant for his project "Firm Behavior and Supply Chain Fragility".

Chiara Aina has been chosen as one of the five participants of this year’s REStud North America Tour, organized by the Review of Economic Studies. The REStud North America Tour invites the most promising graduating doctoral students from European universities to present their work during a tour of North American Universities.

Roberto Weber wins a UZH Mentoring Award 2023. The award recognizes his commitment to promoting young researchers. Every year, young researchers are invited to nominate their mentors. The call for nominations takes place annually. 

Emilio Dal Re receives a FAN Award for his PhD thesis. The FAN Awards  are part of UZHs Fund for the Promotion of Young academics and recognize early career researchers at UZH for outstanding scientific achievements.

This year’s winners of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics SDG Impact Awards are all students from the Department of Economics. Maria Alsina-Pujols’ dissertation "Essays on Macroeconomics and the Environment" contributes to the Sustainable Development Goal "Climate Action". Selina Spillmann’s Master Thesis "Breastfeeding in Developing Countries: Selection and Effects" contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals "Zero Hunger" and "Good Health and Well-being". Nadine Fässler’s Bachelor Thesis "The Mechanisms Behind the Governance of Hate Speech Online by Online Platform Providers: A Case Study on Twitter's Hate Speech Policy" contributes to Sustainable Development Goal "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions".