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"Land Rental Markets: Experimental Evidence from Kenya" (PDF, 1 MB) with Michelle Acampora and Jack Willis, forthcoming American Economic Review.
"Value Chain Microfinance" (PDF, 345 KB) with Jack Willis, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 40.1 (2024): 160-175
Published Version
"Using individual-level randomized treatment to learn about market structure." (PDF, 1 MB) with Tristan Reed, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 14.4 (2022): 58-90.
"Demand and Supply of Infrequent Payments as a Commitment Device: Evidence from Kenya." (PDF, 729 KB) with Rocco Macchiavello, American Economic Review, 109.2 (2019): 523-555.
“Time versus State in Insurance: Experimental Evidence from Contract Farming in Kenya.” (PDF, 804 KB) with Jack Willis, American Economic Review, 108.12 (2018): 3778-3813.
“Ghost-House Busters: The Electoral Response to a Large Anti Tax Evasion Program.” with Ugo Troiano, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131.1 (2016): 273-314.
“Contract Farming and Agricultural Productivity in Western Kenya” with Michael Kremer and Sendhil Mullainathan, in S. Edwards, S. Johnson, D. Weil (eds.), African Economic Successes: Volume IV Sustainable Growth, (2016): ch.5 pp. 137-160, University of Chicago Press, NBER Books.
“Loyalty, Exit and Enforcement: Evidence from a Kenya Dairy Cooperative.” with Rocco Macchiavello, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 105.5 (2015): 286-90.
“Production in Advance versus Production to Order: The Role of Downstream Spatial Clustering and Product Differentiation.” with G. Alfredo Minerva, Journal of Urban Economics, 70.1 (2011): 32-64.
“Firms’ International Status and Heterogeneity in Performance: Evidence from Italy." with Valeria Gattai and G. Alfredo Minerva, Rivista di Politica Economica, V-VI (2007): 151-187.
"Harvesting Votes: The Electoral Effects of the Italian Land Reform" (PDF, 28 MB) (with Bruno Caprettini and Miriam Venturini)
"Ditributional effects of unconditional cash transfers: Evidence from two experiments in East Africas" (PDF, 2 MB) (with Oliver Büttler and Matías Muñoz)
"Crony Capitalism, Collective Action, and ICT: Evidence from Kenyan Contract Farming" (PDF, 1 MB) (with Michael Kremer and Ravindra Ramrattan)
"Harnessing ICT to Increase Agricultural Production: Evidence From Kenya" (PDF, 288 KB) (with Michael Kremer, Sendhil Mullainathan and Ravindra Ramrattan)
“Rural Roads and Intermediated Trade: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Sierra Leone” (PDF, 1 MB) (with Rachel Glennerster and Tavneet Suri)