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Regulation of Digital Platforms: “More Competitive Search Through Regulation,” (with Alessandro Bonatti, L. Elisa Celis, David Dinielli, Paul Heidhues, Michael Luca, Tobias Salz, Monika Schnitzer, Fiona Scott Morton, Katja Seim, Michael Sinkinson, and Jidong Zhou), Digital Regulation Project Policy Discussion Paper No. 2, |
Consumer Protection: “Consumer Protection for Online Markets and Large Digital Platforms,” (with Jacques Cremer, David Dinielli, Amelia Fletcher, Paul Heidhues, Michael Luca, Tobias Salz, Monika Schnitzer, Fiona Scott Morton, Katja Seim, Michael Sinkinson), Digital Regulation Project Policy Discussion Paper No. 1, Tobin Center for Economic Policy at Yale, 20 May 2021 |
Privacy and Competition Policy: “The Antitrust Orthodoxy is Blind to Real Data Harms,” (with Cristina Caffarra and Johnny Ryan), Vox EU , 22 April 2021 |
Google-Fitbit (7-12/2020): Submission to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission regarding the inadequacy of Google’s proposed undertaking (remedies) to address harms from the Google-Fitbit merger (with Cristina Caffarra and Paul Heidhues), 9 December 2020
The EC’s “New Competition Tool” (6-10/2020): “An economic evaluation of the EC’s proposed ‘New Competition Tool,”’ (with Patrick Rey and Monika Schnitzer), Report of the EC’s DG Competition’s Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy (EAGCP), October 16, 2020, available here. |
The ACCC’s use of bargaining to foster payments from DDPs to news orgs (8-9/2020): “The ACCCs bargaining code: A path towards decentralised regulation of dominant digital platforms?,”(with Cristina Caffarra), Vox EU , 26 August 2020
Innovation losses when DDPs buy potential competitors (5/2020): "‘How Tech Rolls’: Potential competition and ‘Reverse’ Killer Acquisitions,” (with Cristina Caffarra and Tommaso Valletti), Vox EU, 11 May 2020 |
Vertical merger policy (2018-2019): “AT&T/Time Warner and Antitrust Policy Toward Vertical Mergers,” (with Robin S. Lee and Michael D. Whinston and Ali Yurukoglus), Competition Policy International (CPI) Antitrust Chronicle, July 2019.
“Kabuki Dances or Rube Goldberg Machines: Vertical Analysis of Media Mergers,” (with Cristina Caffarra and Helen Weeds), Competition Policy International (CPI) Antitrust Chronicle, August 2018.
Privacy and Competition Policy: “Privacy and Antitrust: “Integration”, not just “Intersection,” (w/ Cristina Caffarra, co-organizer and co-moderator) Video, 17 June 2021 |
Media Policy: “Digital Platforms and News: The Australian Bargaining Code,” 2021 RES Annual Conference, Ofcom Special Session: The Economic Rationale for Public Service Media (Online, 4/21)
Google/Fitbit: “Google-Fitbit Theories of Harm, ” Presentation to the (Dutch) Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), 30 September 2020 (slide deck available on request) |
Digital Platforms: “What should IO economists be working on in tech?”, CEPR Applied IO Policy Panel, CEPR Virtual Industrial Organization Seminar (VIOS), (Moderator, Online, 6/20)
Horizontal and Vertical Integration in Television Markets: “Media Mergers: Plurality and Vertical Concerns,” 2018 Jevons Colloquium: Future Perspectives on Media Markets (Panel, Rome, 5/18)
Mergers and Innovation: “Innovation and Merger Assessment,” GCR Live IP, Antitrust, and Innovation Conference (Brussels, 3/18)
Market Definition: “Market Definition in the Digital Era: (Theoretical and) Measurement Issues,” E.CA Expert Forum 2017 (Brussels, 5/17) |
Selective Distribution and Vertical Restraints: “Selective Distribution and 3rd-Party Platforms: A few questions,” CRA Conference on Economic Developments in European Competition Policy (Panel, London, 12/17) |
Damages: “Damages Litigation: Issues and Challenges in Complex Antitrust Cases,” CRESSE 2016 (Panel, Rhodes, 7/16) |
Miscellany: “The (Empirical) Economics of Television Markets,” Workshop on TV, Economics, and Society (WZB, Berlin, 11/14)