Authors |
Title and Link |
Journal |
Michael Bechtel, Dominik Hangartner and Lukas Schmid |
Does Compulsory Voting Increase Support for Leftist Policy? (PDF, 827 KB) (PDF, 807 KB) |
American Journal of Political Science, 60(3) (2016), 752-767 |
Sergey Nigai |
On Measuring the Welfare Gains from Trade under Consumer Heterogeneity (PDF, 1.02 MB) (PDF, 1000 KB) |
The Economic Journal, 126(593) (2016), 1193-1237 |
Peter Egger and Christian Keuschnigg |
Innovation, Trade, and Finance |
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 7(2) (2014), 121-57 |
Reto Föllmi, Tobias Wuergler and Josef Zweimüller |
The Macroeconomics of Model T (PDF, 355 KB) (PDF, 346 KB) |
Journal of Economic Theory 153 (2014), 617-647 |
Daniel Halter, Manuel Oechslin and Josef Zweimüller |
Inequality and Growth: The Neglected Time Dimension |
Journal of Economic Growth 19(1) (2014), 81-104 |
Hartmut Egger, Peter Egger and Udo Kreickemeier |
Trade, Wages, and Profits |
European Economic Review, 64(C) (2013), 332-350 |