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Department of Economics

Abstracts and Papers


Please download the full list of available abstracts here: Abstracts (PDF, 305 KB)

Poster presentations

Gaetano Basso

Youth Drain, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (with Massimo Anelli, Giuseppe Ippedico, and Giovanni Peri)

Kristian Blickle Immigration and the Displacement of Incumbent Households (with Zeno Adams)

Bruno Caprettini

Rage against the Machines: Labor-Saving Technology and Unrest in England, 1830-32 (with Hans-Joachim Voth) (PDF, 2 MB)

Wolfgang Dauth

Adjusting to Globalization in Germany (with Sebastian Findeisen and Jens Suedekum) (PDF, 604 KB)

Sophia Ding A Panel Data Approach for Spatial and Network Selection Models (with Peter H. Egger) (PDF, 445 KB)
Sandro Favre One Labor Market, Two Currencies: Evidence from the French-Swiss Border Region

Adrian Jäggi

Inequality and Growth through Creative Destructioni (with Ulrich Schetter and Maik T. Schneider) (PDF, 222 KB)

Christian Kiedaisch

The saturation of spending diversity and the truth about Mr Brown and Mrs Jones (with Andreas Chai and Nicholas Rohde) (PDF, 2 MB)

Nicole Loumeau

The Economic Geography of Innovation (PDF, 376 KB)

Hâle Utar Firms, Trade and Violent Crime