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Department of Economics

Research Output

Published Papers

Authors Title and Link Journal
David Autor, David Dorn and Gordon Hanson When Work Disappears: Manufacturing Decline and the Falling Marriage-Market Value of Men (PDF, 781 KB) American Economic Review: Insights (2018)
Peter Egger, Gabriel Loumeau, Nicole Püschel Natural City Growth in the People’s Republic of China (PDF, 1 MB) Asian Development Review (2017)
Martin Halla, Alexander Wagner and Josef Zweimüller Immigration and Voting for the Far Right Journal of the European Economic Association (2017)
Reto Föllmi, Christian Hepenstrick and Josef Zweimüller International Arbitrage and the Extensive Margin of Trade between Rich and Poor Countries Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming (2017)
Michael Bechtel, Dominik Hangartner, Lukas Schmid Compulsory Voting, Habit Formation, and Political Participation (PDF, 1 MB) The Review of Economics and Statistics (2017)
David Autor, David Dorn and Gordon Hanson The China Shock: Learning from Labor Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade Annual Review of Economics, Vol. 8 (2016) 205-240
Reto Föllmi and Isabel Martínez Volatile Top Income Shares in Switzerland? Reassessing the Evolution Between 1981 and 2008 (PDF, 713 KB) Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming (2016)
Reto Föllmi, Stefan Legge and Lukas Schmid Do Professionals Get It Right? Limited Attention and Risk-Taking Behaviour (PDF, 522 KB) The Economic Journal, Vol. 126 (592) (2016), p.724-755
Stefan Legge and Lukas Schmid Media Attention and Betting Markets (PDF, 864 KB) European Economic Review, Vol. 87 (2016) p.304-333
Reto Föllmi and Josef Zweimüller Is Inequality Harmful for Innovation and Growth? Price versus Market Size Effects (PDF, 260 KB) Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 26(1) (2016), 1-20
Michael Bechtel, Dominik Hangartner and Lukas Schmid Does Compulsory Voting Increase Support for Leftist Policy? American Journal of Political Science, 60(3) (2016), 752-767
Sergey Nigai On Measuring the Welfare Gains from Trade under Consumer Heterogeneity (PDF, 1000 KB) The Economic Journal, 126(593) (2016), 1193-1237    
Daron Acemoglu, David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon Hanson, Brendan Price

Import Competition and the Great US Employment Sag of the 2000s

Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 34, Number S1/Part 2 (2016)
Peter Egger, Joseph Francois, Miriam Manchin, Douglas Nelson

Non-tariff barriers, integration and the transatlantic economy

Economic Policy, 30 (83) (2015) 539-584
Christian Hepenstrick and Alexander Tarasov Per capita income and the extensive margin of bilateral trade Canadian Journal of Economics, 48(4) (2015), 1561-1599

Christian Kiedaisch

Intellectual Property Rights in a Quality-Ladder Model with Persistent Leadership (PDF, 640 KB) European Economic Review, 80 (2015),194-213
Christian Hepenstrick and Alexander Tarasov Trade Openness and Cross-country Income Differences Review of International Economics 23(2) (2015), 271–302
Peter Egger and Christian Keuschnigg Innovation, Trade, and Finance American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 7(2) (2014), 121-57
Reto Föllmi, Tobias Wuergler and Josef Zweimüller The Macroeconomics of Model T (PDF, 346 KB) Journal of Economic Theory 153 (2014), 617-647
Daniel Halter, Manuel Oechslin and Josef Zweimüller Inequality and Growth: The Neglected Time Dimension Journal of Economic Growth 19(1) (2014), 81-104
Hartmut Egger, Peter Egger and Udo Kreickemeier Trade, Wages, and Profits European Economic Review, 64(C) (2013), 332-350

Working Papers

Date Authors Title and Link
2018 Peter H. Egger and Nicole Loumeau The Economic Geography of Innovation (PDF, 3 MB)
2018 Sophia Ding and Peter H. Egger

A Panel Data Approach for Spatial and Network Selection Models (PDF, 641 KB)

2018 Christian Kiedaisch Growth and Welfare Effects of Intellectual Property Rights when Consumers Differ in Income (PDF, 1 MB)
2018 Andreas Chai, Christian Kiedaisch and Nicholas Rohde The saturation of spending diversity and the truth about Mr Brown and Mrs Jones (PDF, 1 MB)
2018 Claire Montialoux, Tobias Renkin, Michael Siegenthaler The pass-through of minimum wages into US retail prices: evidence from the supermarket scanner data (PDF, 1 MB)
2017 David Autor, David Dorn, Lawrence F. Katz, Christina Patterson, John Van Reenen The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms (PDF, 4 MB)
2017 Andreas Chai, Wolfhard Kaus, Christian Kiedaisch Conspicuous Spending and the Income Distribution of Social Groups (PDF, 825 KB)
2017 Hartmuth Egger, Peter Egger, Udo Kreickemeier, Christoph Moser The Exporter Wage Premium When Firms and Workers are Heterogeneous (PDF, 927 KB)
2017 David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon Hanson and Kaveh Majlesi A Note on the Effect of Rising Trade Exposure on the 2016 Presidential Election (PDF, 396 KB)
2017 Irene Fensore, Stefan Legge, Lukas Schmid Human Barriers to International Trade (PDF, 1 MB)
2017 Christian Kiedaisch and Sabrina Dorn Inequality and Demand-Driven Innovation: Evidence from International Patent Applications (PDF, 33 MB)
2017 Isabel Z. Martínez Beggar-Thy-Neighbour Tax Cuts: Mobility after a Local Income and Wealth Tax Reform in Switzerland (PDF, 4 MB)
2016 David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon Hanson and Kaveh Majlesi Importing Political Polarization? The Electoral Consequences of Rising Trade Exposure (PDF, 1 MB)
2016 David Autor, David Dorn and Gordon H. Hanson Foreign Competition and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Patents (PDF, 891 KB)
2016 Peter H. Egger, Sergey Nigai and Nora M. Strecker The Taxing Deed of Globalization (PDF, 799 KB)
2015 Reto Föllmi and Manuel Oechslin Harmful Pro-Competitive Effects of Trade in Presence of Credit Market Frictions (PDF, 316 KB)
2015 Reto Föllmi, Stefan Legge and Alexa Tiemann Innovation and Trade in the Presence of Credit Constraints (PDF, 372 KB)
2014 Peter Egger and Michael Pfaffermayr Iterated Structural Estimation of Gravity Models with Market-Entry Dynamics (PDF, 456 KB)
2014 Reto Föllmi and Manuel Oechslin Globalization and Productivity in the Developing World
2014 Reto Föllmi, Sandra Hanslin and Andreas Kohler A Dynamic North-South Model of Demand-Induced Product Cycles
2014 Simon Bösenberg, Peter Egger and Benedikt Rydzek Capital Taxation, Investment, Growth, and Welfare
2013 Reto Föllmi, Manuel Oechslin and Marc Zahner Inequality and Growth: Relying on Quantil Shares (PDF, 446 KB)
2013 Christian Kiedaisch Optimal Patent Strength under Financial Constraints (PDF, 901 KB)
2013 Benedikt Rydzek Trade effects of income inequality within and between countries (PDF, 454 KB)
2013 Claudia Bernasconi and Tobias Wuergler Per Capita Income and the Quality and Variety of Imports (PDF, 620 KB)
2013 Fabian Schnell Can Monetary Policy Delay the Reallocation of Capital?
2013 Andreas Kohler Income Distribution, Market Size, and Foreign Direct Investment (PDF, 1 MB)
2013 Benedikt Rydzek The Effects of Trade and Endogenous Technological Change on the College Wage Gap and Unemployment (PDF, 752 KB)
2013 Claudia Bernasconi Similarity of Income Distributions and the Extensive and Intensive Margin of Bilateral Trade Flows (PDF, 1003 KB)
2012 Andreas Kohler Trade and Growth in an Unequal Global Economy
2012 Peter Egger and Sergey Nigai Asymmetric Trade Costs, Trade Imbalances, and the World Income Distribution (PDF, 580 KB)
2011 Marc Zahner Which Inequality? How Income Inequality Affects Bilateral Trade (PDF, 193 KB)
2011 Christian Hepenstrick The sources and magnitudes of Switzerland’s gains from trade

Dissertations, Master Theses and Bachelor Theses

Author Thesis Type Title and Link
Florian Hulfeld Master Inequality, Market Structure, and Innovation (PDF, 565 KB)
Lucca Zachmann Master The Determinants and Consequences of the Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Switzerland (PDF, 1 MB)
Benedikt Rydzek Dissertation The Globalization of Goods and Capital Flows
Claudia Bernasconi Dissertation Essays in International Trade (PDF, 2 MB)
Andreas Kohler Dissertation Three Essays in International Economics (PDF, 3 MB)
Sergey Nigai Dissertation Three Essays on International Trade Policy and Welfare
Noe Reidt Master Redistribution, Distance to Frontier, and Growth (PDF, 1 MB)
Gabriel Züllig Master Monetary Policy, the Lower Bound, and Inequality: Evidence from a Panel VAR (PDF, 11 MB)
Juliette Cattin Master Social Comparisons, Inequality and Demand (PDF, 351 KB)
Renzo Iten Master Human Capital Distance to Frontier and Technology Diffusion (PDF, 1 MB)
Flavio Schönholzer Master The Extensive Margin and the Quality Margin of International Trade
Dimitri Lenzin Master The Role of Inequality in Techonology Diffusion (PDF, 1 MB)
Karin Garcia Moreno Master Fiscal Consolidation and Rising Inequality in Europe: An Empirical Assessment (PDF, 1 MB)
Janosch Weiss Master The Effects of Productivity Growth, Population Growth, and the Rate of Interest on the Distribution of Wealth (PDF, 836 KB)
Katrin Voegeli Master Inequality and Technology Diffusion (PDF, 794 KB)
Oliver Bucher Master International Patent Applications and Trade (PDF, 1 MB)
Irene Fensore Master Inequality and Parallel Imports in International Trade (PDF, 762 KB)
Stefanie Marty Master Inequality and Green Innovations (PDF, 1 MB)
Antoine Cerisier Master Exploring Diversity: Trade Policies and Macroeconomic Factors (PDF, 1 MB)
Patrick Steiner Bachelor Determinants of Bilateral Trade Flows (PDF, 7 MB)
Flavia Tinner Bachelor Income Inequality: Do Exchange Rate Regimes Matter? (PDF, 634 KB)
Marco Schmid Bachelor International trade in a model with heterogeneous trade costs, parallel imports and non-homothetic preferences (PDF, 1011 KB)
Lukas Freiburghaus Bachelor Ungleichheit und Wachstum in Peru (PDF, 700 KB)
Roland Toth Bachelor Economic Inequality and Environmental Degradation (PDF, 1 MB)
Jin Wiederkehr Bachelor International Trade and Consumer Heterogeneity: The Role of Continuous Income Distributions (PDF, 1 MB)