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Department of Economics

Research Output

Publications Subproject Population Economics

DateAuthorsTitle and LinkJournal
2013Rafael Lalive, Andreas Steinhauer, Analía Schlosser, Josef ZweimüllerParental Leave and Mother’s Post Birth Careers: The Relative Importance of Job Protection and Cash Benefits Review of Economic Studies (2013)
2013Rafael Lalive, Jean-Philippe Wüllrich, Josef ZweimüllerDo Financial Incentives affect Firms’ Demand for Disabled Workers?Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(1), 25-58
2013Stefan Staubli, Josef ZweimüllerDoes raising the early retirement age increase employment of older workers?Journal of Public Economics, 108(C), 17-32
2012Aderonke OsikominuQuick Job Entry or Long-Term Human Capital Development? The Dynamic Effects of Alternative Training SchemesReview of Economic Studies (2013) 80 (1): 313-342.
2012 Andreas Kuhn, Oliver Ruf The Value of a Statistical Injury:New Evidence from the Swiss Labor MarketSwiss Journal of Economics and Statistics
2011Beatrix Eugster, Rafael Lalive, Andreas Steinhauer, Josef ZweimüllerThe Demand for Social Insurance: Does Culture Matter?Economic Journal, 121(556), 413–448
2011Andreas KuhnIn the eye of the beholder: Subjective inequality measures and individuals' assessment of market justiceEuropean Journal of Political Economy, 27(4), 625-641
2011Stefan StaubliThe Impact of Stricter Criteria for Disability Insurance on Labor Force ParticipationJournal of Public Economics, 95 (9-10), 1223–1235, 2011
2011Jan Boone, Jan C. van Ours, Jean-Philippe Wuellrich, Josef ZweimüllerRecessions are Bad for Workplace SafetyJournal of Health Economics, 30(4), 764-773
2011Rafael Lalive, Jan C. van Ours, Josef ZweimüllerEquilibrium unemployment and the duration of unemployment benefitsJournal of Population Economics, 24(4), 1385-1409
2011Armin Falk, Andreas Kuhn, Josef ZweimüllerUnemployment and Right-Wing Extremist CrimeScandinavian Journal of Economics, 113(2), 260–285
2010Andrea Ichino, Oliver Ruf, Guido Schwerdt, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Josef Zweimüller Does the Color of the Collar Matter? Employment and earnings after plant closureEconomics Letters, 108(2), 137-140
2010Jean-Philippe WüllrichThe effects of increasing financial incentives for firms to promote employment of disabled workersEconomic Letters, 107(2), 173-176
2010Andreas KuhnDemand for Redistribution, Support for the Welfare State, and Party Identification in AustriaEmpirica, 37(2), 215-236
2009Rafael Lalive, Josef ZweimüllerHow does parental leave affect fertility and return to work? Evidence from two natural experimentsThe Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124(3), 1363-1402
2009Andreas Kuhn, Rafael Lalive, Josef ZweimüllerThe public health costs of job lossJournal of Health Economics, 28(6), 1099-1115

Working Papers Subproject Population Economics

Date NRN WP No. Authors Title and Link
July, 2012 1208 Andreas Kuhn Redistributive Preferences, Redistribution and Inequality: Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries
May, 2012 1204 Martin Halla, Alexander F. Wagne, Josef Zweimüller Does Immigration into Their Neighborhoods Incline Voters Toward the Extreme Right? The Case of the Freedom Party of Austria
November, 2011 1116 Beatrice Brunner, Andreas Kuhn Financial Incentives, the Timing of Births, Birth Complications, and Newborns' Health: Evidence from the Abolition of Austria's Baby Bonus
August, 2011 1108 Sandro Favre The Impact of Immigration on the Wage Distribution in Switzerland
March, 2011 1115 Andreas Kuhn Inequality Perceptions, Distributional Norms, and Redistributive Preferences in East and West Germany.
December, 2010 1015 Beatrice Brunner, Andreas Kuhn The Impact of Labor Market Entry Condition on Initial Job Assignment, Human Capital Accumulation, and Wages
November, 2010 1013 Andreas Kuhn The Public Perception and Normative Evaluation of Executive Compensation: An International Comparison
August, 2010 1008 Andreas Kuhn, Jean-Philipe Wuellrich, Josef Zweimüller Fatal Attraction? Access to Early Retirement and Mortality
November, 2009 929 Beatrice Brunner, Andreas Kuhn To Shape the Future: How Labor Market Entry Conditions Affect Individuals’s Long-Run Wage Profiles
July, 2009 911 Rafael Lalive, Jean-Philippe Wuellrich, Josef Zweimüller Do Financial Incentives for Firms Promote Employment of Disabled Workers? A Regression Discontinuity Approach
July, 2009 910 Beatrix Brügger, Rafael Lalive, Josef Zweimüller Does Culture Affect Unemployment? Evidence from the Röstigraben
April, 2009 903 Josef Zweimüller, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Rafael Lalive, Andreas Kuhn, Jean-Philipe Wuellrich, Oliver Ruf, Simon Büchi Austrian Social Security Database
October, 2007   Andrea Ichino, Guido Schwerdt, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Josef Zweimüller Too Old to Work, too Young to Retire?

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