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Department of Economics

Research News

News list

  • Airplane

    Wealth Inequality in Switzerland: Is Tax Policy to Blame?

    In a recently published paper, Florian Scheuer examines the tax framework that may have played a role in the growing wealth disparity.

  • Highway

    Working Memory Training on Children: A Crucial Boost in Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills

    A recent study suggests that strengthening young children's working memory (WM), could have long-term benefits for their academic success.

  • Highway

    Social Apprehension: The Brain Is to Blame

    Hoping for approval and fearing rejection are common emotions, but some people experience them more intensely than others. Why is that?

  • Highway

    Places versus People: The Ins and Outs of Labor Market Adjustment to Globalization

    In a recently published paper, David Dorn examines how US labor markets and workers adjusted to increased Chinese import competition in the 2000s.

  • Highway

    The Wage-Innovation Link: New Empirical Evidence

    David Hémous and co-authors recently published a study, providing fresh empirical evidence on the relationship between wages and innovation.

  • Highway

    Immigrant Mobility and Regional Labor Market Adjustment in the US

    In a recent study, David Dorn and co-authors explore why the rapid growth of goods imports from China in the 2000s caused substantial manufacturing job losses in US regions that were specialized in import-competing industries.

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