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Department of Economics



  • Empirical Industrial Organization
  • Antitrust/Competition Policy
  • Media Economics and Policy
  • Applied Econometric Methods


“A survey of preference estimation with unobserved choice set heterogeneity” (PDF, 1 MB) (with Rachel Griffith and Alessandro Iaria), University of Zurich, forthcoming, Journal of Econometrics.

Correction to Crawford, Griffith, and Iaria (2021), June 8, 2022 (pdf) (PDF, 572 KB)

"Quality Overprovision in Cable Television Markets" (PDF, 1 MB) (with Matthew Shum and Oleksandr Shcherbakov), American Economic Review, v109n3 (March 2019), 956-995.

“Asymmetric Information and Imperfect Competition in Lending Markets,” (PDF, 1 MB) (with Nicola Pavanini and Fabiano Schivardi), American Economic Review v108n7 (July 2018),1659-1701. 

Short summary on VoxEU

"The Welfare Effects of Vertical Integration in Multichannel Television Markets" (PDF, 1 MB)(with Robin S. Lee, Michael D. Whinston and Ali Yurukoglu), Econometrica, Vol. 86, No. 3 (May, 2018), 891–954.

Short summary for Microeconomic Insights

Short summary for VoxEU

“The Economics of Television and Online Video Markets,” (PDF, 3 MB) Chapter 7 in Anderson, S., Waldfogel, J., and D. Stromberg, Handbook of Media Economics, volume 1A, 2016, Elsevier Press.

"Cable Regulation in the Internet Era", Chapter 4 in Rose, N., ed., "Economic Regulation and Its Reform: What Have We Learned?", 2014, forthcoming, University of Chicago Press.
"Accommodating Endogenous Product Choices: A Progress Report",International Journal of Industrial Organization , v30 (2012), 315-320.
"The Welfare Effects of Bundling in Multichannel Television Markets", American Economic Review , v102n2 (April 2012), 643-685.
"Economics at the FCC: 2007-2008", (with Evan Kwerel and Jonathan Levy), Review of Industrial Organization , v33n3 (November 2008), 187-210.
"The Discriminatory Incentives to Bundle in the Cable Television Industry", Quantitative Marketing and Economics , v6n1 (March 2008), 41-78.
"Bidding Asymmetries in Multi-Unit Auctions: Implications of Bid Function Equilibria in the British Spot Market for Electricity", (with Joseph Crespo and Helen Tauchen), International Journal of Industrial Organization , v25n6 (December 2007), 1233-1268.

"Bundling, Product Choice, and Efficiency: Should Cable Television Networks be Offered A La Carte?", (with Joseph Cullen), Information Economics and Policy , v19n3-4 (October 2007), 379-404.

"Monopoly Quality Degradation and Regulation in Cable Television", (with Matthew Shum), Journal of Law and Economics , v50n1 (February 2007), 181-209.
"Uncertainty and Learning in Pharmaceutical Demand", (with Matthew Shum), Econometrica , 73n4 (July 2005), 1135-1174.
"Recent Advances in Structural Econometric Modeling: Dynamics, Product Positioning, and Entry", (with J.-P. Dube, K. Sudhir, A. Ching, M. Draganska, J. Fox, W. Hartmann, G. Hitsch, B. Viard, M. Villas-Boas, and N. Vilcassim), Marketing Letters , v16n2 (July 2005).
"The Impact of the 1992 Cable Act on Household Demand and Welfare", RAND Journal of Economics , v31n3 (Autumn 2000), 422-449.


Articles Under Review

The Regulation of Public Service Broadcasting (PDF, 316 KB): Should there be more advertising on television?,” (with Jeremy Smith and Paul Sturgeon), working paper, University of Warwick, July 2017, revise and resubmit at International Journal of Industrial Organization

Work in Progress

"Amazon Entry on Amazon Marketplace (PDF, 1 MB)," (with Matteo Courthoud, Regina Seibel, and Simon Zuzek), CEPR Discussion Paper 17531, August 18, 2022.

“One step forward, two steps back: Mergers, Bundling, and Foreclosure in Complementary Markets with Increasing Returns to Scale," (with Matteo Courthoud), University of Zurich, May 2021.  

“The BBC and Brexit," (with Vardges Levonyan), University of Zurich, May 2021. 


Keynotes and Invited Lectures

“The BBC and Brexit,” 5th Economics of Media Bias Workshop, (Berlin, 3/22)

“The Case to Investigate in Google-Fitbit (and its implications for academic IO research), ” European Association of Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) Invited Session, University of Bologna (remotely), 28 August 2020 (slide deck available on request)
“The Problems with (Dominant) Platforms,” 11th Paris Conference on Digital Economics Telecom Paris, Paris, 6 April 2019
“Vertical Integration in Media and Communication Markets,” 2014 Scientific Seminar on the Economics & Policy of Communications and Media Markets, Florence School of Regulation, EUI, (Florence, 3/14)
“Vertical Integration in Media and Communication Markets,” 5th Workshop on the Economics of ICT University of Porto (Porto, Portugal, 3/14)


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