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English Department

Limmated Edition: Readings by the River, with Excerpts from the Work of James Joyce & Various Irish Poets

Some Irish culture coming your way: The event "Limmated Edition: Readings by the River," with excerpts from the work of James Joyce & various Irish poets and music by Tale of the Gael, will take place on May 29, 2019, 6.00 p.m. at Schipfe 33, 8001 Zurich.

- Suggested contribution: CHF 20.-

- Followed by an Apéro

- Reservations:, 044 252 09 18 (places limited)

If you're currently enrolled as a student of English at UZH you have a chance of winning 1x2 tickets to this event! Just send an email to, with the subject heading "Limmated Edition" (by Tuesday, April 16, 2019, 2 p.m.). -- Sponsored by the Irish Embassy, Bern.


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Limmated Edition: Readings by the River, with Excerpts from the Work of James Joyce & Various Irish Poets

Limmated Edition: Readings by the River, with Excerpts from the Work of James Joyce & Various Irish Poets