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English Department

Colloquium: "Preparing for the Literature Exam: Close-Reading Reading List Poetry and a Shakespeare Play"

Extra-Curricular Module

The extra-curricular colloquium "Preparing for the Literature Exam: Close-Reading Reading List Poetry and a Shakespeare Play" may be of interest to students of English, particularly those planning to do the old module "Reading List: English Literature" or the new module "Literature in Context: History and Theory."

Note: While this module is useful in terms of content, no ECTS points can be accredited towards any study program in English.

Below, you can find the course description submitted by the course instructor, PD Dr. Hans Osterwalder.

Course Description "Preparing for the Literature Exam: Close-Reading Reading List Poetry and a Shakespeare Play"

With 8 sets of poems (amounting to 32 short poems), poetry takes up centre-stage also in the  new version of the  literature exam. Hence expert advice on which poems to choose and how to read them must be welcome. In this course we will be reading a selection of at least 25 pre- and post-1800 poems which you can choose for your exam reading list. Special emphasis will be on so-called ‘close-reading’, i.e. a line-by-line analysis of poems which will teach you how to analyse poetry on your own. It is certainly a skill which you can deploy in the exam. In addition, you will get an overview of the most important literary periods.

Another major challenge to prepare on your own are Shakespeare’s plays. Depending on the participants’ needs we’ll read the play which most students have chosen for their reading list. To prepare you optimally for the test, there will be a mock exam session in which those who choose to take part are given a 10 to 15-minute grilling along the lines of the real thing.

The course is designed to cater to the needs of students preparing for the old and the new exam. It will be the last time this course is offered, so students in the new mode taking their exam in the spring term have a last opportunity to benefit.

Thursday 4-6pm

The module is to be found on the booking tool under ‘further offers’(click several times until you see: Veranstaltungen von Privatdozierenden).

You have to sign up, otherwise the course won’t take place!



Weiterführende Informationen

PD Dr. Hans Osterwalder

PD Dr. Hans Osterwalder